Monday, December 1, 2008

SCVenger Hunt: CLUE 1

Do you want to win free stuff that expresses your ambivalence towards Santa Clarita? If so, you're in luck!
Participate in the first (and last) IHeartSCV Christmas SCVenger Hunt and you'll have a chance to win some wonderful presents just in time for the holidays. Here's how it works:

1. On December 1st, 8th, 13th, and 19th, I'll provide a new clue. Each clue will direct you to some part of Santa Clarita and describe an item that you need to collect as proof of successfully solving the clue. A "General Clue" is also provided on the 1st and will help you in your quest.

2. Solve all the clues and gather all the corresponding items.

3. On December 19th, I'll specify a popular store/locale in Santa Clarita where you can bring your collection of items. If you're the first one to arrive, you can trade your collection for the prize package, which includes an I Heart SCV Christmas ornament, I Heart SCV bumper sticker, cheesy Santa Clarita postcards, and, best of all, an I Heart SCV T-shirt, pictured below.

GENERAL CLUE (Solving this clue will help shed light on the weekly clues)
It's a four-letter word that is very Santa Claritan. It can answer the question "Where should I go?" But, if you try to get there, you'll keep going in circles.

CLUE 1: Walk Amongst the Stars

This song preceded a classic TV show, parts of which were filmed at the Golden Oak Ranch in Newhall. Not so very far away lies a small monument to she who played Nellie's nemesis on the program. Gather proof that you visited this oft overlooked tribute--a pencil rubbing or photo will do--and you're well on your way to winning.



Anonymous said...

I loooooove that show! Now the song is going thru my head....

Doooo, do do do, do do do d-do, badudududuh, duh-d'duh-duh

Anonymous said...

"It's a four-letter word that is very Santa Claritan. It can answer the question "Where should I go?" But, if you try to get there, you'll keep going in circles."

Is it "HELL?" Dante's version included circles and many people have told me to go there.

A Santa Claritan said...

That's quite clever! ;-)

However, I said the word "is very Santa Claritan", NOT "is literally Santa Clarita", in which case your answer would be perfectly correct.

Anonymous said...

Santa Clarita is NOT hell! It is paradise! In fact, it was almost named Paradise Valley! This treasure hunt is HARD so far!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey's right. Santa Clarita is a great place to live. And this scavenger hunt IS hard. Even though I think I've guessed the general clue and the third clue (late-night worker), I can't reconcile the two. But I'm in Las Vegas, so I can't gather all the clues anyway. Thanks for this adventure!