Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happenings: December Upon Us

I find that I just can't bring myself to go to today's tree lighting at Henry Mayo[1]. As readers of this blog well know, the community holiday tree is slated to meet its demise in several years given the approval of Henry Mayo/G&L Realty's expansion project. Lighting up the tree and having kids sing around it is akin to massaging cows and giving them sake-soaked grain before they're turned into Wagyu beef. It just seems...wrong. Today, the lovely conifer hears angelic voices carolling, but tomorrow (figuratively), it hears the buzz of the chainsaw. I will not willingly participate in any efforts to lull the tree into a false sense of security.

In any case, it's December and we all need something to get us into the holiday spirit, even if it's not a tree lighting. Thus, I offer this article from inside SCV magazine[2]. It's about Santa, snow, destruction, and loss--my favorites!--and how it may be time to say goodbye Santa Claus, hello Santa Clarita.

[1]If you want to go, the lighting is at 5pm this evening. Details here.
[2]SCV seen from the inside...

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