Sunday, December 2, 2007

Only in SCV: Intercepted Christmas Letters, Set 1

Though I might not hang out with Bob Kellar on the weekends or appear in the crème de la crème section of elite magazine, I like to think of myself as well-connected in SCV. You want proof? Well, I recently used my connections at the post office to obtain Christmas letters that certain influential Claritans were trying to send to Santa Claus. I know, mail tampering is a felony, but it’s the kind I’m willing to commit--is there any better way to get a glimpse of the inner-workings of the minds of some of our most fascinating citizens? (Don't worry, the letters were faxed to the North Pole so Santa will have copies of their gift lists).

Unfortunately, my post office connection blacked-out all the signatures in the name of privacy. Maybe y’all can help me figure out who wrote each of these letters to Santa. The connection has promised to get me some more next week, so keep your fingers crossed that more Claritans write Christmas letters.

[NOTE: you may have to click on the letters to make them of readable size.]

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C


mike devlin said...

Good work risking your liberty to bring these gems to us. I'm going with generic 5 year old audience member of Enchanted, Roger Seaver and Scooter and Spark Plug (third dog? maybe I'm behind the times)

Anonymous said...

I think they would rather have a toy that smells like new car air freshener than "dead squirrel and bacon"...

A Santa Claritan said...

1.67 out of 3, Mike. Scooter and Sparkplug have a brother named "Speedbump". I don't understand either.

And the first letter comes from someone who is anything but generic. She goes by a rather long, street-centric title first mentioned in my very first blog post that just happens to have been exactly 5 months ago!

mike devlin said...

Of course, but the former Runner-up at the Miss corner of McBean and Old Orchard Parkway Competition is just that. A new court was crowned at the very tree ceremony you boycotted.

Anonymous said...

Good words.